I went from being a B student in middle school, to an F student in high shool (I was rebellious and skipped a lot of days), to then becoming a straight A, honor student in college, earning more than 4 scholarships along with becoming an officer of the honor society at my college as well as the President of the Accounting Association. What changed, you might ask? Well, I learned a few tricks along the way that still help me until this day and I can guarantee that they will help you as well. Lets begin, shall we?
1.) Follow Directions
I once was listening to a radio station conversation about how there were two types of people that can be successful in life no matter what. I honestly do not remember what the first type of person was because the second type really caught my attention. It was someone who could follow directions.
It struck out to me because, well, it is true! I have learned how to do many things in life simply by following the directions given by people – whether that is cooking a new recipe, building a crib, or completing a new project at work. Directions (when written correctly) are meant to guide us. Why am I saying all this? Because the first advice I am going to give you is to read your darn syllabus! That is literally your teacher’s way of saying, “Hey, this is what you can expect this semester, this is how you will be graded, these are the due dates, etc”!
In high school, I did not even read the syllabus! No wonder I had not idea what was going on! Sometimes teachers will even leave hidden gems in there like, how to earn extra credit or by letting us know if a final can dropped depending on our grades. I am telling you, taking 10-15 minutes of your life to read the syllabus can save you hours of stress and a semester of regret.
2.) SEEK to really understand the material.
Think about it, you will never get a chance to dive deep into this subject again. This is your opportunity to really learn something new that goes on in the world around you. I can’t tell you how many times in class I would be shocked with the things I was learning – and intrigued by it as well! Things happen around us all the time that we have no idea what they mean. It really opens your mind and gives you a broader vision and understanding. I KNOW it can be boring and I KNOW it sucks at the time, but trust me – once you start to relate it to the real world and the dots start to connect in different scenarios, you will be grateful that you took that class.
3.) Know the homework deadlines ahead of time!
This helps me a ton. So many things can spring up in a day, not to mention a week or a month! It is important to plan out your week and block out time to do what needs to be done in order to get quizzes and assignments done on time. I do this but writing important dates for assignments or exams down on a calendar and on my planner. That way, when I see it in passing, it is like a warning to myself to prepare for that upcoming task.
4.) Communicate!
If you absolutely do not understand a concept and are feeling stuck – reach out to your teacher! Ask your classmates in a discussion group on blackboard or face to face in class! I cannot tell you how many times this has helped me. Not only does it show your teacher that you are involved and curious, but it lets him or her know who YOU are and if there ever is a time when you need an extra day to complete an assignment – they will remember how dedicated you are. And believe me, it happens! Many of the letters of recommendation that my professors wrote for me in order to win scholarships included their thoughts on my dedication, hard work, and involvement in class!
5.) Remember why you are doing it!
Always keep the end goal in mind. Visualize your future self with your degree and all the doors it will open for you in the long run. I remember when I got my bachelors degree, it was CRAZY how that piece of paper changed my life! I got an offer on the week of my graduation that I could not refuse. I promise you that is worth it. If I can go from straight F student to an HONOR STUDENT.. anyone can!
Let me know if this helped you or motivated you and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Love, Gilly – Good luck!